
New Year Show coming Fri 12/31 at 3pm

Sure, there are plenty of Christmas songs you never hear on the radio, and every year I'm happy to explore the world of orphaned songs of the season and play them on the show. It takes a long time to compile and assemble the show but it's a labor of love.

The harder part though, is to find two hours of New Year songs. Preferably songs without the words "Auld," "Lang," and "Syne." Yes, a two-hour rock and roll New Years theme show without U2's overplayed (but excellent) "New Years Day" or Eagles' (not excellent) "Funky New Year."

Tune in and hear the show. Individual songs that are not necessarily about new year's day, but that collectively fit the theme of the show. Songs about saying good bye to the past, songs about counting down, celebrating, January, new beginnings, and general merriment.

In the New York's Hudson Valley, tune in at 3pm Friday to 91.3 FM WVKR. Out of the reach of the station's signal? Tune in at www.wvkr.org by clicking the "Click HERE to HEAR" link near the top right side of this playlist blog, and turn it up to 11. More specifically, 2011.


Jay said...

Is that not technically an "old year" show, both in the sense that you are playing old music and that it is taking place in 2010 and not the new year?

The Orphanage of Rock and Roll said...

@Jay Yes, it is, but only if you celebrate Old Years Day.

1/ 3/2025

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