
Now you can record the show every week automatically!

A quick peek at the top of the right side column of this playlist blog reveals something new... an easy way for you to record the Orphanage of Rock and Roll each week on your computer.

DAR.FM is a very cool site that lets you record radio shows digitally. Think of it as TIVO for your radio (or if you're over 21, maybe think of it as a VCR for your radio). DAR stands for Digital Audio Recorder and FM stands for... well, FM I guess. Frequency Modulation for the tech savvy among you.

If you're away on vacation far from the Hudson Valley, if you take a day trip, if you get called into an annoying meeting with your boss just as the show starts, or if you're having reception trouble from our flamethrower transmitter (hard to believe, I know) this is the solution you've always hoped for. Extra bonus points for the fact that DAR.FM does not record annoying weather service interruptions during storm season.

And yes, now you'll have a digital copy of every embarrassing flub I ever make that you can use against me if I ever decide to run for president.

Anyway, please do click that thingy over there, enter your email address and you'll be all set. Everybody who's tried it out (including me) thinks it's very cool and nobody's ended up on a spam list or anything. It's free, it's cool, and it's easy. What more could you want.

And if you play around with it a bit, you can also set it up to listen on your iPod, iPad, or through iTunes on your Mac or PC.

Happy listening and recording!


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