
Are you recording The Orphanage of Rock and Roll (tOoRaR) on DAR.FM ?
Lots of other are, it seems. Worldwide, the show is now recorded more than shows by Alice Cooper, Pink Floyd, and Dee Snyder. As of today, we're at #3 our of 276 shows in the Classic Rock category, behind only Little Steven and The Grateful Dead. For all Rock category shows, we're also #3 out of 438 shows! Amazing.

Sign up for a FREE account (paid ones are available too if you want that) at dar.fm (dot f m, not dot com) and the show will be digitally recorded to your hard drive automatically each week so you never have to worry about missing a show. You can even transfer the files to your iPod if you want. Did I mention it's FREE? And no, they do not spam you or take a credit card or anything. It's very cool.

A big THANK YOU to everybody who is already recording the show each week. Listen live every Friday at 3pm NYC time at www.wvkr.org or if you're local in New York's beautiful Hudson Valley you can tune in at 91.3 on your FM radio.

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